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Without doubt, the calmest man in the maelstrom stew of nerves and emotions on the touchline of the Allianz Arena tomorrow night will be Roberto Di Matteo. That slight smile that gives him the appearance of a Bond villain will … Continue reading
In Sweden they must barely be able to contain the laughter. In France, you imagine the footage of John Terry stumbling around the Anfield pitch like a drunk on a wedding dancefloor is playing on a continuous loop on Laurent … Continue reading
With the kind of timing publishers must dread, this month sees the release of Colin Shindler’s latest memoir. The author sold an awful lot of copies of his earlier tale, “Manchester United Ruined My Life”, which was released well over … Continue reading
An odd consensus emerged on Monday night after Blackburn were relegated to the Championship. On phone-ins and chat rooms, in newspaper columns and social media one opinion was raised above the others: it was all the fans’ fault. Not getting … Continue reading