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I wanted to write a blog about the declining financial muscle of English clubs, because it felt to me that in recent years the Premier League has struggled to compete in the transfer market. This summer in particular has seen plenty of big-money tran Continue reading
Back in April, I wrote about Fernando Torres’s struggles, insisting he is far from finished at the top level and suggesting the root lay in Chelsea’s tactics. But following a dispiriting outing in today’s 1-0 friendly win against a weak Mala Continue reading
United Arab Emirates winger Thiyab Awana has enjoyed his 15 minutes of fame after his bizarre penalty against Lebanon went viral. Awana approached the ball as normal, before spinning 180 degrees and backheeling the ball past a bewildered Lebane Continue reading
“If a player is on the market it is because the club does not want him.” So said Cesc Fabregas yesterday when asked about his impending move from Arsenal to Barcelona. “The club does not want him. … Continue reading